Галерея Брата


x x x

Here's a song I wrote for you
You are young and I am blue
When you'll someday feel the same
You will find no one to blame

I am blue, I am so sorry,
I am blue, no one's to worry
I need someone to believe, to receive my love,
For us to walk far far away,
And I'll say - "Be my lady"

When you wake up in the morning,
Paying smileys to the dawn,
I am old and I am boring,
When you're happy and you're young.


Rainbow blues

Every color you choose
In my rainbow blues,
Will be shaded tonight
With your light.

Every moment you're here
Will pass by, disappear
With a speed of the light
Late tonight

So, go on, lay your arm,
On my shoulder with charm
And let nothing go wrong
In this song

Let me plunge in your eyes
Blue as ocean of skies
Let me whisper to you
I love you

And we'll dance here in this magic of the blues,
In this mystery no one will ever loose
So, go on, lay your arm on my shoulder.

Let me tease your sweet ear,
I'm with you, yes, I'm here,
All you hear is my breath
Else you're deaf…

x x x

One of the cold Moscow evenings
When no one was around,
I was wondering if you're the treasure,
I finally found.

The way you made me feel,
The way I kissed your lips,
Seems, nothing ever keeps me
From the world that you reveal.

It seems a fairy tale to me,
When I think about your words,
My hands are slowly touching keyboard,
Playing quiet chords,

Cause you will hear this song,
And you will smile to me,
And I will feel so warm,
And I will let my heart break free.

x x x

I'm cold and lonely,
The one and only
Person who can help me
Is far away from me.

I'm tired and sinking,
Every minute thinking
About you and me together
And a laughter in our eyes,

No more lies,
No more clouds in the sky,
Let us fly…


When Christmas comes

Life is nothing
In the hands of the God
When we're crying
Seems like everything's lost

Christmas evening
Goes along
Time is passing
All night long
We sit in here
Around Christmas tree
We look at each other
Somebody set us free
When Christmas comes
When Christmas comes
The world is calm
Streets in ice

And we are waiting
For some advice
For light to shine
Upon our lives
Santa Claus
Brings a gift
You need to sink in
Snowy drift

Some attention
And believe in God
Will prevent you
From the devil's rod
When Christmas comes
When Christmas comes
The world is calm
Streets in ice

And we are waiting
For some advice
For light to shine
Upon our lives
Is the day the Christ was born
Harass yourself with scorn
To you and all the sinners in the world

x x x

I can't control me, when you're ill,
I cannot find a way to heal
All heartaches, which attack me.
I wonder if you lack me for an hour,
Lack somehow

The love I could have given,
The love I really want to give you now,
Oh, but how ?
Tell me - do you love me ?

I meet your lovely face in dreams,
And every night my body screams
For you are not beside me.
And I imagine you with lonely tired eyes...
My soul cries -

"I love you and I need you !
I've already had freed you from disease,
Try not to tease
My hurt feelings. Do you love me ?"

And only thing I really wish
To make you happy and unleash

All feelings, which excite me.
I never thought I'd really fall in love
With girl like you.

Cause, you are so fantastic,
I can't believe, it wouldn't last so much,
But can you touch
My emotions - do you love me ?

"The song of spirits"

We're the damned civilization,
We're the devil's best creation,
At the dawn of this vocation,
We decided to survive.

After hours of prison,
After rage, which was increasing,
We are here for secret reason -
To become the lords of knife.

We're the spirits, we're the dearest,
We're the ones who's always nearest,
After all, we're simply cheapest
In your world, at least for now...

You don't even need to call us,
You don't even need to poll us,
There's no reason to control us,
That's impossible right now.

We are near if you're evil,
We will help you to reveal
Your abilities to heal
In the evil ways.

We are killing, we are willing
To destroy, and we make feeling
Of a burn. Oh, make it thrilling !
Let's dishumanize !

x x x

Hey ! A beautiful day, is today,
So, why don't we just say
"OK. It's my way, but I'll stay,
Cause I want to make you happy"

You came into my heart, so
Sudden that I can't revise my part.
Like a dart, you pricked my heart.
And now I'm not so lonely.

Don't fly away, for my soul
Is flaming up, and every
Day I gonna pray
For our days, for they never turn gray

It's not a case of place or race,
The thing's not hidden in my taste,
It's all for you, cause your the best,
I saw you in my dreams.
And your grace and wit knocked out me from my feet.

So, please, stay with me and don't allow me
To go away, to kiss yourself goodbye.
I'm just a little man with my own visions
But I love you, and that it is why

I'm sitting here so happy,
And waiting for
Another day with you
I was dying, but you
Refilled my soul,
And now I'm here for you.


Romeo and Juliet

Oh, my poor Romeo and Juliet,
Rest in peace
With your saint love...
Let it shine through the years ! Yea...
Through generations of lying,
Sighing, dying, crying
For your saint love.

You're a simple creation, of poet's
Vocation. But I believe that you're real.
You're real.

And let this world be cold,
And let this world be wrong
The men we live among
Are just pretending.
And let my heart seem closed,
And let my fingers bleed,
The love I really need,
I will find
Oh, I'm so jealous of you guys,
And I'm singing this with pain.

Some people say that
There's no love like yours.
But, I'll say, they're wrong,
And this song is the proof.


Oh, I'm so jealous of you guys,
And I'm singing this in vain.


Innocent People

Innocent people,
Walking by roads of their lives on their own.
Innocent people,
Choosing their destiny, building their home.
Innocent people,
Trying to live and believe that they really are
Innocent people.

And they don't mind worrying
That some day their lives will be weighed up by God
And all the pathetic things, each little fraud
Will show up their ode.

Innocent people,
Praying sometimes to be saved in the end,
Innocent people,
Leaving a quarter in poor beggar's hand.
Innocent people,
Going to church and lighting a candle for
Innocent people.

Trying to keep me
In the denying and arguing mood,
Knowing that I only now understood that they're
Innocent people.

Repeat the 1-st verse.


A Song Without a Name

You were sitting by me and
Thinking if someone has
Stolen our love when we
Stopped to deny.
You were looking through me as if
I was a ghost, as if
I lost my way to bring
Us to the sky.

And I felt like my life was going to end.

Then you tried to catch up what I
Had on my mind and you
Tried to look terribly
And you brightened your face,
Forced to smile for a while, tried to
Show that there's nothing to

And I felt like my life was coming to end.

I'm brought to my knees with a
Stone on my neck and I
Know that you're not coming


When I was already to
Drawn in the water and
I was to throw the
Stone and jump,
I saw a reflection of
Yours on the surface
And I felt your hands lift me
Out of the damp.

And I felt like my love has forgotten to end.


The smallest blues

Here comes the time, for me
To loose my rhyme and flee.
But give me a dime and see
That I'm not the man I seem to be.

I'm and old dog, in a
Cloud of fog, and
I'm feeling like hog,
Like if I'm on a cog of thee

It hurts very bad, when you're
Already had and you're
Searching like mad,
For a place to get some rest


Дорога из Москвы в Петербург

Еду я вдаль по дороге из слёз,
Дождик недавний на рельсах блестит.
Эх, увези ты меня паровоз,
В долину где жизнь не так бурно кипит.

Мимо заброшенных грязных станиц,
Мимо больших и пустых городов,
Тянутся рельсы, не зная границ,
Мимо спокойных полей и лугов.

Ранняя ночь все плывет за окном.
Кажется - мы никогда не умрем,
И вспоминаем мы сидя вдвоем,
Летние дни и зеленый наш дом.

Нет больше прежних прекрасных идиллий,
Быстро прошедшее мы позабыли.
Мы позабыли, как счастливы были,
Как мы друг друга ласкали, любили.

И вот, вдаль несет нас хромой паровоз,
Стучит за окном перекличка колес.
Мы вроде бы вместе, наш путь не зарос,
Но в сердце твоем все зима да мороз.

Заполуночный блюз

Уже далеко за полночь,
Я лежу в своей дыре и вспоминаю тебя,
Уже далеко за полночь,
Я спасаю себя мыслью, что умру любя.
И кто-то во дворе, в своей норе,
Завоет эту песню о поре,
Когда наш стимул - блюз.

Уже далеко за полночь,
Нас, верно, неверно подводят глаза,
Уже далеко за полночь,
И падает на пол густая слеза.
И как-то наплевать, что не узнать,
Кто лезет там в твою кровать,
Когда играешь блюз.

Уже далеко за полночь,
А я все один и жду как дурак,
Уже далеко за полночь,
Я не виноват, что все вышло не так.
И мне все не понять как ты опять,
Опускаешься до слова "блядь",
Когда ты слышишь блюз.

Уже далеко за полночь,
А я все не сплю, я пою для тебя,
Уже далеко за полночь,
И я уже уверен, что умру любя,
Но даже если так, пусть я дурак,
Развеется туман и мрак,
И будешь ты снова со мною…
Когда услышишь блюз.

x x x

Вот опять я на солнце кувыркаюсь
И отчаянно пытаюсь не бежать, но спотыкаюсь,
И лечу. Я так хочу.

Ну и пусть, полет не вечен,
Ну и пусть сгорают свечи,
Я и так не жажду встречи
С высотой,
И я лечу. Я так хочу.

Говорят мне нету сказки
В жизни этой. Только краски
Обеспечивают ласки
Наших глаз.
Но я лечу. Я так хочу.

И я смотрю туда,
Где вечно плещется вода,
И нипочем мне ерунда
Всей этой жизни. И беда
Моя проста:
Один из ста...

Говорят, любовь фальшива,
Все что есть, то - дань прилива
Наших чувств. Все так паршиво - ну и пусть.
Ведь лечу. Я так хочу.

Вроде, счастье где-то рядом,
Попроси - доставят на дом.
Но вот тут за водопадом
Я срываюсь
И лечу. Я так хочу.

И я смотрю туда,
Где вечно плещется вода,
И нипочем мне ерунда
Всей этой жизни. И беда
Моя проста:
Один из ста...

Но я верю что где-то,
На этом заброшенном свете,
На все вопросы ответы.
Можно найти.


И верю я в любовь
И в друга святость слов
И в любовь среди врагов
И в снятие оков.
И каждого прощу,
И вредным отомщу,
А пока я хочу и лечу...
Верю и лечу...
Верю и плачу...


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